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Websites hosted by

Listed below are some examples of the websites designed and hosted by

Surrey Children's Choir

An award-wining Youth Choir based in South Surrey, British Columbia. They are an organization dedicated to providing comprehensive musical training in the art and technique of choral singing.

Vancouver Bach Children's Choir

Something about VBCC, VBYC etc.

Corporate Newsletters produced by


These email newsletters were sent out 7 - 8 times per year as an email digest to the company's clients.

Saladmaster - Pinoy International

These email newsletters are sent out each week as a PDF publication to the company's dealers.

Promotional Activities provided by

Goldsource Mines Inc.

Promotional materials packaged into a CD for distribution at trade shows.

Silvercrest Mines Inc.

Promotional materials and historical information packaged into a CD for distribution at trade shows.